학교에서 배울 수 없는 일본문화 명언 유행어 편
1. "一期一会" (ichigo ichie) - "One time, one meeting" emphasizing the importance of cherishing each encounter as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
2. "花より団子" (hana yori dango) - "Dumplings over flowers" meaning that practical things like food are more important than superficial things like flowers.
3. "七転び八起き" (nanakorobi yaoki) - "Fall seven times, stand up eight" encouraging perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.
4. "目から鱗" (me kara uroko) - "Scales falling from one's eyes" describing a moment of sudden realization or enlightenment.
5. "虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず" (koketsu ni irazunba koji wo ezu) - "If you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub" advocating for taking risks in order to achieve success.
6. "猿も木から落ちる" (saru mo ki kara ochiru) - "Even monkeys fall from trees" reminding us that everyone makes mistakes.
7. "知らぬが仏" (shiranu ga hotoke) - "Not knowing is Buddha" suggesting that ignorance can sometimes be blissful.
8. "雨降って地固まる" (ame futte ji katamaru) - "After the rain, the ground hardens" indicating that difficulties can lead to strength and resilience.
9. "石の上にも三年" (ishi no ue ni mo san nen) - "Even on a rock, for three years" emphasizing the importance of perseverance and patience in achieving goals.
10. "人生は一期一会" (jinsei wa ichigo ichie) - "Life is a once-in-a-lifetime encounter" reminding us to make the most of every moment.